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"The students got so much out of it, they love being outdoors and experiencing new activities. Most importantly they have transferred skills learnt in the classroom to the community."

better learning naturally

The unique mixture of woodland, water and grassland habitats, allows teachers to utilise the natural world to expand their teaching environments and bring greater levels of understanding to subjects that are at the core of the National Curriculum.


A green oasis situated in the middle of Wolverhampton, Wildside offers a range of environments that provide unique learning opportunities to bring classroom learning to life.  Ponds, woodland, canal sides, shrubs, ferns are filled with varying habitats where wildlife thrive. Bird and bat shelters, mammal track boxes, standing dead wood and bug hotels all enable teachers to utilise the natural world to expand their teaching environments, bring greater levels of understanding and develop creative lesson plans not just in the sciences and geography, but also in maths, English, history, art and PSHE.


Research shows that learning in nature…
  • Enhances creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

  • Provides unique opportunities to boost reading, writing, maths, and science performance.

  • Increases focus and attention while reducing symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

  • Increases enthusiasm for and engagement with learning.

  • Improves relationship skills.

Each activity we offer is subject to a comprehensive RISK ASSESSMENT and all our activity leaders are appropriately trained and subject to enhanced DBS checks


Our practice is governed by  a comprehensive SAFEGUARDING POLICY and accompanying PROCEDURES which are reviewed by the operational staff and Board of Trustees on an annual basis. To view our current Safeguarding Policy, please click here

curriculum areas supported
by wildside

Our activities are suitable for children of all ages and can be adapted to the needs of learners from EARLY YEARS through to KEY STAGES 1, 2, 3 & 4.



  • Investigating water, woodland, grassland habitats through mini beast hunts /pond dipping /nature walks 

  • Wildlife surveys – bugs / butterflies / water voles / otters / birds

  • Life cycles/The Seven Life processes – explore the different life cycles of various creatures to be found in the local habits

  • Sensory walks – how our senses build an understanding of the world 

  • Environmental issues and water pollution

  • Looking at number, shape and repeating patterns within nature

  • Presenting and analysing habitat surveys through graphs  / pie charts / frequency tables / statistics​

  • Investigate the geological features of the local canal network - human and natural features; compare to river features 

  • Investigate the habitats of the Smestow Valley Local Nature Reserve

  • Use of maps, compasses and geo-caching

  • Weather and seasons – look at the impact of seasonal weather changes on the various habitats round the site

  • The history of the canals

  • Canal heritage and lifestyles – create canal art and try on costumes 

  • The heritage of the region - what did we manufacture and sell here in Wolverhampton, how has the population changed over the years and how has it affected the natural landscape?

  • Using the natural world as an inspiration for drawing, painting and photography

  • Creating art from natural or recycled materials

  • Developing a palette from plants – producing natural dyes and inks

  • Team building and social times 

  • Story telling around the camp fire

  • Water safety and how to stay safe in nature

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get in touch

If you would like to find out more about how Wildside can support and enhance your teaching and learning, contact us using the buttons below, or click here to download our Natural Learning leaflet.

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